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CFTA Community Member Forum PolicyIntroductionThe CFTA Forum is a place provided by CFTA for its members and constituents. The CFTA Member Forum is accessible through an active CFTA membership profile only and encourages networking, open communication, and resource sharing to foster an environment where members look to peers for ideas, advice, and share resources supporting the use and advancement of FM technologies. Rules of UseThe following rules apply to all postings made to the CFTA Member Forum:
Code of EthicsINDIVIDUALSAll subscribers must follow CFTA’s Member Forum Code of Ethics:
BUSINESS PARTNERSCFTA Business Partners are encouraged to participate on the Member Forum but must follow these additional requirements in CFTA’s Code of Ethics:
Misuse of the Member ForumCFTA does not actively police the Member Forum and it is accessible to Members Only. We ask that you report any perceived violations of the above rules to us by emailing [email protected]. Doing so will enable us to act quickly. Violations of these polices will be addressed on a case-by-case basis and may result in warnings or expulsion from the forum. CFTA ListServWhile free and open discourse is encouraged, certain policies and rules are required to ensure that our online community remains fair, ethical, friendly, and legal. All policies listed for the CFTA Member Forum apply. Subscription to the the PUBLIC ListServ is entirely voluntary by the end user. The ListServ is open and free but users must submit for message approval to the moderators, which are CFTA leadership representatives. The ListServ service provider screens all emails for viruses, however, we cannot guarantee that a virus will not be distributed via the ListServ. Subscribers should still screen incoming emails with virus protection software and not click on any questionable links. DisclaimersThe Campus FM Technology Association (CFTA) accepts no responsibility for the opinions and information posted on the Member Forum by others. CFTA disclaims all warranties with regard to shared information or discussions, whether by CFTA or any third party. In no event shall CFTA be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages, or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data, or profits, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of any information posted on this site. |